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Michigan Horticultural Therapy Association Conference, E. Lansing, $40-105

The Versatility of Gardening for Both Recreation and Treatment

Conference details, theme, program, schedule and fees at Michigan Horticultural Therapy Association's (MHTA) Annual Conference

Keynote Speaker Lesley Fleming, HTR

MHTA Conference Brochure

Gardening activities are currently being used to achieve specific and documented health benefits. Nature-based activities including gardening are utilized as both recreational activities and therapeutic interventions in a broad spectrum of disciplines; horticulture, social work, oncology, recreational, occupational, and physical therapy, psychology, geriatrics and rehab medicine. Practitioners in these fields should find the conference sessions informative and relevant to their work. Defining therapeutic horticulture and contexts in which it and nature-based therapies are used will be presented. Adaptive gardening techniques and tools, programming ideas and therapeutic gardens will also be presented.

Fee includes keynote, two breakout sessions, lunch in the conservatory and e-book, Therapeutic Horticulture: A Practitioner’s Perspective

Books, Education, Vendors, Networking and CEUs

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