Each year we achieve major milestones and enjoy experiences that have created us to be the organization that we are today. The following is a highlight of those events.
Grow Info was the winning title for the Master Gardener Association of Wayne County (MGAWC) newsletter
Alumni from Master Gardener classes form the Master Gardener Association of Wayne County (MGAWC)
Trip to Hidden Lakes in July
Trip to Cranbrook in October
MGAWC members visit Niagara Falls and Royal Botanical Gardens, Hamilton, Ontario
Let’s Go Gardening program first discussed
First annual holiday party held at Moross House, Detroit, MI
MGAWC becomes a 501(c)3 non-profit organization
MGAWC members planted knot herb garden at Venoy Center, Wayne, Michigan, 173 ½ volunteer hours including cleaning perennial beds
MGAWC volunteers begin growing plants in small greenhouse and use sale proceeds to purchase misting system
MGAWC members visit Longwood Gardens, Kennet Square, PA, and Baltimore, MD harbor
MGAWC members attend first national Master Gardener conference in Washington, DC
MGAWC volunteer arranges for Let’s Go Gardening program to take place at six Frank's Nursery stores
MGAWC commits to $10,000 donation to support trial gardens at MSU
MGAWC members attend second national Master Gardener conference in Portland, OR
Half-day Basic Gardening Seminar, predecessor to Growing with Master Gardeners, held in Wayne, MI
Gardening in the 90’s: Basic Gardening Seminar expands to all-day event
MGAWC donates $10,000 to MSU Display Garden at Plant and Soil Science Building, East Lansing
Gardening in the 90’s educational program held in Plymouth, MI
MGAWC and Windsor, Ontario co-host International Master Gardener Conference in Detroit, MI
Growing with Master Gardeners (GMG) name first used for annual educational program
MGAWC members attend International Master Gardener Conference in San Antonio, TX
MGAWC collaborates with Oakland Master Gardener Society and Oakland MSUE to bring local Advanced Master Gardener classes to southeast Michigan
Annual Garden Walks for MGAWC members to visit public and private gardens in southeast Michigan
Gardening in the 90’s held at Mill Race Historical Village in Northville, MI
MGAWC members attend International Master Gardener Conference in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
early / mid-90’s
MGAWC purchases tables for MSU Extension Temple office for Master Gardener classroom
MGAWC creates Leo Blum Memorial Scholarship for college students working toward botanical or environmental degrees
Gardening in the 90’s name used for annual educational conference
First annual August picnic for members and guests
Gardening in the 90’s held in Dearborn, MI
MGAWC members attend Northeast Regional Master Gardener Conference in Portland, ME
MGAWC volunteers originate Junior Master Gardener program in Wayne County
MGAWC organizes and funds Junior Master Gardener programs in Wayne County
MGAWC members attend International Master Gardener Conference in Sacramento, CA
First annual February Feeding Frenzy
First annual Christensen’s Plant Center Night
Gardening in the 90’s held at Henry Ford Community College with addition of second keynote speaker
Butterfly Program at Detroit Zoo’s new Wildlife Interpretative Gallery
Field trip to Westcroft Azalea Gardens, Grosse Isle, MI
MGAWC members attend Northeast Regional Master Gardener Conference in Hartford, CT
Tenth annual Growing with Master Gardeners conference with keynotes by Barry Burton and Janet Macunovich held at Henry Ford Community
Tree Day educational program held at 5454 Venoy, Wayne, MI
Picnic for Bob Bricault, Jr., held at Mill Race in Northville, MI
MGAWC members attend International Master Gardener Conference in San Antonio, TX
Growing with Master Gardeners conference with keynotes by Bob Bricault, Jr and Nancy Szerlag held at Henry Ford Community College
Growing with Master Gardeners moves to U of M Dearborn in collaboration with the Natural Areas Department, now the Environmental Interpretative Center
February Fun Day educational program held at 5454 Venoy
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Herbarium Tour with Anton Reznicek, PhD
MGAWC members attend Northeast Regional Master Gardener Conference in Wheeling, West Virginia
MGAWC sponsors Search for Excellence Awards at NE Master Gardener Conference
Annual GMG Above and Beyond Conference Helper of the Year award initiated
Growing with Master Gardeners conference with keynotes by Dean Krauskopf, PhD and Scott Kunst held at the University of Michigan-Dearborn
GMG sells-out with over 300 pre-registered participants
Presentation Skills Workshop for Speakers Bureau at 5454 Venoy
Earth Day educational program with Marion Jarvie from Toronto held at the University of Michigan-Dearborn
MGAWC members attend International Master Gardener Conference in Orlando, FL
Growing with Master Gardeners conference with keynotes by Dean Krauskopf, PhD and Janet Macunovich held at University of Michigan-Dearborn
First volunteer orientation for GMG
MGAWC members attend Northeast Regional Master Gardener Conference at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY
GMG Volunteer Recognition Tour of Jens Jensen Landscape, Henry Ford Estate, Dearborn
Growing with Master Gardeners conference with keynotes by Susan Gruber and Nancy Szerlag held at the University of Michigan-Dearborn
First annual Spring Day, educational program on native plants, a collaboration with the Henry Ford Estate
MGAWC members attend International Master Gardener Conference
Growing with Master Gardeners conference with keynotes by Fred Case and Dean Krauskopf, PhD held at the University of Michigan-Dearborn
MGAWC participates in Adopt-A-Highway
MGAWC monthly meetings moved to Environmental Interpretative Center on the University of Michigan-Dearborn campus
Second annual Spring Day, educational program on herbs, a collaboration with the Henry Ford Estate
Growing with Master Gardeners conference with keynotes by Nancy Lindley and Dan Ballnik held at the University of Michigan-Dearborn
Third annual Spring Day, educational program on trees and shrubs in the garden, a collaboration with the Henry Ford Estate
MGAWC members attend International Master Gardener Conference in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Growing with Master Gardeners conference with keynotes by Janet Macunovich and Ralph Heiden held at the University of Michigan-Dearborn
Fourth annual Spring Day, educational program on the travelling gardener, a collaboration with the Henry Ford Estate
Growing with Master Gardeners conference with keynotes by Kim Roth and George Papadelis held at the University of Michigan-Dearborn
Fifth annual Spring Day educational program on gardening for the young at heart, a collaboration with the Henry Ford Estate Gardens
MGAWC awards two college scholarships and introduces three free Intro to Gardening sessions
Volunteers answer questions on Saturdays in May at quality garden centers for the twentieth year of Let's Go Gardening
MGAWC members attend the International Master Gardener Conference in Little Rock, Arkansas
Nineteenth annual Growing with Master Gardeners conference held at the University of Michigan-Dearborn for the eighth year with keynotes by Dean Krauskopf, Ph.D., and Norm Lownds, Ph.D., and several tours including the newly planted rain garden at the Environmental Interpretive Center
Moved to online meetings on Zoom during the Covid-19 pandemic