Stewardship Saturday at U of M-Dearborn Natural Areas
1:00 PM13:00

Stewardship Saturday at U of M-Dearborn Natural Areas

  • Environmental Interpretive Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

MGAWC members and friends are welcome to volunteer with Stewardship Saturdays at UM-D to assist in any once-a-month afternoons doing invasive plant removal in the University of Michigan-Dearborn Environmental Study Area. Pick one or more days to come out and help. This year-round, ongoing effort will help address the many threats posed by various invasive plants to the continuation of habitat health and quality. Each month will bring opportunities for optimal removal of various invasive plants according to current best management practices.

All equipment for removing invasive plants will be provided by the Environmental Interpretive Center. But, if you have a sturdy pair of long-handled branch loppers that you can bring, please do. Also, please bring your own drinking water and work gloves for use while we are out in the field.

This activity involves moderate physical activity in off trail natural habitat areas. Wear suitable work clothes that can be scraped and poked by twigs and/or the occasional thorny plant, or have contact with sticky bur seeds. A good pair of sturdy work shoes/boots is also a must. For additional info,

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to May 26

Perennial Accents Plant Sale, Royal Oak, tentative listing

  • Google Calendar ICS

Sale Dates (

Andy's Garden @ Chateau Catalpa - YouTube

Located in a residential area, the Hosta and more plant sale is only open to the public on the last three weekends in May.

Prices range from $10 - $50, the price reflects the age of the plant in the pot and the uniqueness of  the cultivar. As a small part time business, Perennial Accents only accepts cash or personal checks.


Sat. May 11th 9 am - 5 pm​ & ​Sun. May 12th 9 am - 3 pm
Sat. May 18th 9 am - 5 pm & Sun. May 19th 9 am - 3 pm
Memorial Weekend, Sat. May 25th  9 am - 5 pm, Sun. May 26th  9am - 3pm​ & Mon. May 27th  9am - 12 pm

Saturday Aug. 10th  9 am - 3 pm

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Stewardship Saturday at U of M-Dearborn Natural Areas
1:00 PM13:00

Stewardship Saturday at U of M-Dearborn Natural Areas

  • Environmental Interpretive Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

MGAWC members and friends are welcome to volunteer with Stewardship Saturdays at UM-D to assist in any once-a-month afternoons doing invasive plant removal in the University of Michigan-Dearborn Environmental Study Area. Pick one or more days to come out and help. This year-round, ongoing effort will help address the many threats posed by various invasive plants to the continuation of habitat health and quality. Each month will bring opportunities for optimal removal of various invasive plants according to current best management practices.

All equipment for removing invasive plants will be provided by the Environmental Interpretive Center. But, if you have a sturdy pair of long-handled branch loppers that you can bring, please do. Also, please bring your own drinking water and work gloves for use while we are out in the field.

This activity involves moderate physical activity in off trail natural habitat areas. Wear suitable work clothes that can be scraped and poked by twigs and/or the occasional thorny plant, or have contact with sticky bur seeds. A good pair of sturdy work shoes/boots is also a must. For additional info,

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to Jun 1

Aldo Leopold Festival, Le Cheneaux Islands, MI, Details Pending

Home – Aldo Leopold Festival

Les Cheneaux welcomes you to celebrate the legacy of Aldo Leopold — one of America’s most influential naturalists — during our festival, May 28th – June 1st, 2025. Activities include paddling excursions, orchid and wildflower tours, birding trips, presentations, and many other nature-based activities. Experience the woods and water that formed Leopold’s early impressions of the natural world as we honor the mark he made on conservation and the environment.

Registration for the 2025 Aldo Leopold Festival will open on April 1.

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to Jul 20

Mothapalooza, Bainbridge OH, $250

  • Google Calendar ICS


July 18-20, 2025, Friday afternoon through Sunday

Held at the Highlands Nature Sanctuary

Celebrate National Moth Week with us in 2025!


In the biologically rich 3000-acre Highlands Nature Sanctuary and surrounding preserves, we will witness a breathtaking number of moth species and other nocturnal insects that will be attracted to our light stations, all while under the mentorship of expert naturalists, Evening presentations will be hosted at the Paxton Historic Theater in Bainbridge, Ohio. This event will serve to help you begin or further advance your personal journey of discovery into the mysterious and intriguing nocturnal world of moths. Be prepared to stay up late into the night, so come well-rested!  

Mothapalooza — Arc of Appalachia

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Stewardship Saturday at U of M-Dearborn Natural Areas
1:00 PM13:00

Stewardship Saturday at U of M-Dearborn Natural Areas

  • Environmental Interpretive Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

MGAWC members and friends are welcome to volunteer with Stewardship Saturdays at UM-D to assist in any once-a-month afternoons doing invasive plant removal in the University of Michigan-Dearborn Environmental Study Area. Pick one or more days to come out and help. This year-round, ongoing effort will help address the many threats posed by various invasive plants to the continuation of habitat health and quality. Each month will bring opportunities for optimal removal of various invasive plants according to current best management practices.

All equipment for removing invasive plants will be provided by the Environmental Interpretive Center. But, if you have a sturdy pair of long-handled branch loppers that you can bring, please do. Also, please bring your own drinking water and work gloves for use while we are out in the field.

This activity involves moderate physical activity in off trail natural habitat areas. Wear suitable work clothes that can be scraped and poked by twigs and/or the occasional thorny plant, or have contact with sticky bur seeds. A good pair of sturdy work shoes/boots is also a must. For additional info,

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8:00 PM20:00

Free4AllFridays with Garden A to Z, Zoom

Garden A to Z | Fridays

Meeting ID: 845 5210 7675
Password: Free4All

Want to talk about plans and plants...

...but people around you don't care to hear?

We, too, have seen non-gardeners tune out as we announce the emergence of each perennial or crow as new woodies bud out. Shoot, we can't blame them; we know that whole last sentence is probably unintelligible to some of our own family and closest friends!

Bring your joy or query and Zoom in for a Free4All Friday where we invite the gardening world to join us by Zoom. We will share the news we've heard and garden developments we've seen this week, and take your questions and observations, too.

Here is your link to March 14, 7 to 8 pm EST.

No strings attached, no fees, no data being gathered, just pure garden talk.

Meeting ID: 845 5210 7675
Password: Free4All

40 years talking to thousands, still so much to learn

We began teaching and writing about gardens in the 1980's. From the get-go we were hooked on the insights gained from the questions and the new things learned as we dug for answers. The discoveries have never stopped. So we still answer emails and texts, write articles in What's Coming Up on our website, and present webinars. But we've realized this sharing can reach wider.

40 Fridays a year, all open to you

Every Friday evening of the year except those right before our Saturday Weekend Walkabouts (see the current webinar schedule), we'll be here ready to talk, answer and celebrate with you. Drop in this Friday to listen or ask questions.

Photos welcomed in advance

Need to show us by way of explaining? Email or text a photo by the day before a Free-for-all Friday. We'll include all we can!  248-681-7850

Watch this page for the next Free4All link...

...or send us an email to be added to our mailing list. We'll send you an invitation to each and also notify you of Free Webinars and whenever we post a new issue of our newsletter, What's Coming Up.

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Stewardship Saturday at U of M-Dearborn Natural Areas
1:00 PM13:00

Stewardship Saturday at U of M-Dearborn Natural Areas

  • Environmental Interpretive Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

MGAWC members and friends are welcome to volunteer with Stewardship Saturdays at UM-D to assist in any once-a-month afternoons doing invasive plant removal in the University of Michigan-Dearborn Environmental Study Area. Pick one or more days to come out and help. This year-round, ongoing effort will help address the many threats posed by various invasive plants to the continuation of habitat health and quality. Each month will bring opportunities for optimal removal of various invasive plants according to current best management practices.

All equipment for removing invasive plants will be provided by the Environmental Interpretive Center. But, if you have a sturdy pair of long-handled branch loppers that you can bring, please do. Also, please bring your own drinking water and work gloves for use while we are out in the field.

This activity involves moderate physical activity in off trail natural habitat areas. Wear suitable work clothes that can be scraped and poked by twigs and/or the occasional thorny plant, or have contact with sticky bur seeds. A good pair of sturdy work shoes/boots is also a must. For additional info,

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Stewardship Saturday at U of M-Dearborn Natural Areas
1:00 PM13:00

Stewardship Saturday at U of M-Dearborn Natural Areas

  • Environmental Interpretive Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

MGAWC members and friends are welcome to volunteer with Stewardship Saturdays at UM-D to assist in any once-a-month afternoons doing invasive plant removal in the University of Michigan-Dearborn Environmental Study Area. Pick one or more days to come out and help. This year-round, ongoing effort will help address the many threats posed by various invasive plants to the continuation of habitat health and quality. Each month will bring opportunities for optimal removal of various invasive plants according to current best management practices.

All equipment for removing invasive plants will be provided by the Environmental Interpretive Center. But, if you have a sturdy pair of long-handled branch loppers that you can bring, please do. Also, please bring your own drinking water and work gloves for use while we are out in the field.

This activity involves moderate physical activity in off trail natural habitat areas. Wear suitable work clothes that can be scraped and poked by twigs and/or the occasional thorny plant, or have contact with sticky bur seeds. A good pair of sturdy work shoes/boots is also a must. For additional info,

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10:30 AM10:30

Friends of Art and Flowers Betsy Campbell Lecture, Detroit, Free with Registration*

Friends of Art and Flowers Betsy Campbell Lecture | Detroit Institute of Arts Museum (

*Registration is FREE for residents of Macomb, Oakland, and Wayne counties.

"Rebuilding Abundance with Ecologically Rich and Evocative Planting," featuring Claudia West, Principal, Phyto Studio, Arlington, VA.

Our cities and suburbs desperately need more inspiring, ecologically rich planting. Yet budgets are tight, and crews and gardeners are often unfamiliar with diverse planting typologies. Claudia will share the techniques her landscape architecture firm, Phyto Studio, applies to tackle the maintenance challenge and create ecologically rich and inspiring planting.

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9:00 AM09:00

Fall into Spring Educational Garden Conference, Flint, $60

Home (

19th Annual
​Master Gardener Association Genesee County Michigan

Friday, October 4, 2024
9:00 A.M. - 3:15 P.M.

Food Bank of Eastern Michigan​
1939 Howard Ave, Flint, MI 48503

$60 Conference fee

Note: change in location
Note: Event is on Friday, not Saturday

3 1/2 Master Gardener Educational Hours

Open to both Master Gardener Volunteers and the general public.

Fall into Spring Speakers

​ Wayne Pope  

Topic:  Flower and Garden Photography With Your Smart Phone
Learn how to use your i-phone or android to get good results.  Wayne will also touch on apps that can be used to provide science-based horticulture information.

​Biography:  Wayne Pope is a photography professor at Lansing Community College and a Michigan Master Gardener.  Wayne is also the author of a books about Michigan birds and life in the State of Michigan.  

Dr. Brent Crain
​Topic:  Garden Health Evaluation

As the growing season draws closer, do not forget about your garden just yet.  Now is a great time to reflect on the growing season.  At MSU Extension, we encourage a systematic approach to maintaining the health of plants in your landscape.  This approach is called integrated pest management (IPM).  This may sound complicated, but think of IPM as a helpful philosophy to ensure you consider multiple options for maintaining plant health.  IPM encourages you to think about the biology and interactions of organism within the garden system, how your actions might impact the surrounding environment, and practical economic considerations.

:  Dr. Brent Crain is a Consumer Horticulture Educator with MSU Extension who formerly served in executive leadership as CTO of an Ag-Tech company.  He holds a PhD in Horticulture from MSU and brings broad horticultural expertise, having worked professionally in research and production systems in small fruits, tree fruits, field crops, and urban and landscape trees. During his 13 years in the non-profit space, Brent developed local and regional training seminars, workshops, and service learning opportunities in partnership with local and national organizations in the U.S. and overseas. Brent enjoys working with community partners and home gardeners, and making knowledge produced through innovative research accessible to everyone. 

Jean Persely 
Topic:     Got Milkweed?  Creating Monarch Waystations in Michigan
 The Monarchs are on their way back from Mexico – will your yard be ready to host them?
What is a Monarch Waystation? How do you create one in your yard, school, church, business?
What is needed in your waystation and how do you certify your garden as a Monarch Waystation?
Biography:  Jean Persely, with BMO Logistics, is an Advanced Master Gardener, Master Rain Gardener and Master Composter. Jean is a certified Landscape Designer. Jean enjoys sharing her experiences and lessons-learned during educational outreach Garden Lifecycle Management programs. One-on-one consultation and design services are available.

Speakers and topics are subject to change


Conference Fee Includes

9:00 AM - 9:45 AM            REGISTRATION
                                                Continental Breakfast
9:45 AM – 10:00 AM         Welcome
10:00 AM – 11:15 AM    Wayne Pope                                                  Flower and Garden Photography With Your                      Smart Phone
11:15 AM – 11:30 AM       BREAK
11:30 AM – 12:30 PM     Dr. Brent Crain
            Garden   Health Evaluation

12:30 PM – 1:30 PM         LUNCH /
1:30 PM – 1:45 PM            Raffles
1:45 PM – 3:00 PM            Jean Persley
         Got Milkweed?  Creating Monarch Waystations in           Michigan  

3:00                                                     Closing Remarks

Continental breakfast  
     Assorted baked goods, fruit, and beverage             

Deli Lunch 
     Assorted cold cuts (Roast beef, Ham, Turkey, Chicken Salad, Veggie)
    Served with pasta salad and chips

Door Prizes

      Oakland Master Gardener Clothing &  Accessories 

     MGAGCM garden stones & plant stakes 

    Cheryl Borkowski paintings
     MGAGCM garden items

* Note: Some Garden Market vendors take only cash or checks.

Please bring canned goods to be donated to the Food Bank. 
* Cereal
* Boxed goods
* Peanut butter
* Personal items
* Canned goods
​Please be mindful of expiration dates


$60 Conference fee

     - No Registration beyond 9-23-24
     - No registrations at the door

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10:30 AM10:30

Autopilot Garden, Dow Gardens, Midland, $15

The Autopilot Garden with MIgardener Luke Marion - Dow Gardens

Saturday, May 18, 10:30–11:30 a.m.

Join Luke Marion, founder of MIgardener and YouTube sensation (with 1.9 million followers), as he discusses insights from his latest book, "The Autopilot Garden." Learn how to make your garden work for you, reducing effort and frustration while maximizing productivity. The lecture includes admission to Dow Gardens, throughout the day of the event, and concludes with an optional meet-and-greet/book signing in the Café. Don't miss this opportunity to revolutionize your gardening experience!

Learn more

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7:00 PM19:00

Garden A to Z Free-for-All Fridays, Online, free, email instructions

Garden A to Z | Calendar

Free-for-all Fridays!

We have such fun and learn so much during webinars in live exchanges with you that we decided to make live Q&A its own event, open to all.

Drop in by zoom link...

...any Friday evening except webinar weekends, 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time. We'll give our report on topics of the week and take your questions.

You'll receive a reminder and link before each session if you are on our mailing list. (We mail to all subscribers to our newsletters and webinars; simply email us at to be sure you're on the list.)

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to May 23

Evening Lecture Series at the Environmental Interpretive Center, Dearborn, free, details at link

  • The University of Michigan Environmental Interpretive Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Winter? Spring? Sprinter! (

The EIC staff presents a series of monthly programs. Staff members, as well as local speakers, will offer talks on topics of their own interests related to environmental themes.

  • The talks are presented in Room 119 inside the EIC.

  • Casual walks in the Environmental Study Area will be offered after the talks.

Here are the speakers and their topics:  

Rouge River Revived

Speaker – Dr. John Hartig, Visiting Scholar at the University of Windsor

Date – Thursday, March 28

Time – 5:00-6:00 p.m. 

Dr. John Hartig is an accomplished Great Lakes scientist and serves as a Visiting Scholar at the University of Windsor's Great Lakes Institute of Environmental Research. He is a recognized leader in conservation and sustainability. He sits on the Board of the Detroit Riverfront Conservancy and is chair of the Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan's Great Lakes Way Advisory Committee. In addition to Rouge River Revived, Dr. Hartig has authored several other books dealing with water stewardship and community awareness, not to mention the many scientific articles in publication.

Please register for this program.

Spring Ephemeral Wildflowers

 Speaker - Dale Browne, EIC Staff Naturalist  

 Date – Thursday, April 25

 Time – 5:00-6:00 p.m.

Mushroom Identification 101

Speaker – Mike Solomon, EIC Staff Naturalist

Date – Thursday, May 25

Time – 5:00-6:00 p.m.

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7:30 AM07:30

Southeastern Michigan Beekeepers Association Spring Conference, Belleville, Free

  • Wayne County Community College Ted Scott Campus (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

SEMBA - Home (

Pre-registration required

SEMBA - 2024 SEMBA Spring Conference (

2024 Spring Conference - Wayne County Community College District, Ted Scott Campus, Belleville MI

Admission is Free - You must register to attend. Optional lunch & T-shirts can be purchased.

Honeybees & Pollinators - Beginning & Advanced Beekeeping - Pollinator Gardens 

Exhibits - Family Friendly Event -

Speaker Highlights:

**Cory Stevens: Why Virgin Queens are the Best**

**Jamie Walters, President of the Ohio Beekeepers Association: Spring Splits and Backyard Queen rearing**

**Declan Schroeder from Marla Spivak’s Lab: The latest research on virus resistance in honey bees**

Boxed Lunch info:

All lunches will be handed out at the 2024 Spring conference duing the lunch break.

  • Grilled Chicken Wrap Marinated grilled chicken, topped with a blend of cheeses, wrapped in a flour tortilla.

  • Deli-Style Turkey Wrap Oven-roasted turkey, topped with a blend of cheeses, wrapped in a flour tortilla.

  • Deli-Style Pastrami Wrap Flavorful pastrami, topped with a blend of cheeses, wrapped in a flour tortilla.

  • Hummus Garden Wrap Hummus, bell peppers, tomatoes, onions and pickles, on a bed of mixed greens, wrapped in a flour tortilla. (Vegan, except for cookie)

  • Garden Salad with Tofu Mixed greens, topped with chickpeas, bell peppers, tomatoes, onions, cucumbers and marinated tofu. Served with cheese, ranch dressing (gluten-free), fattoush dressing (vegan/gluten-free), and bread roll – all on the side. (Vegan/Vegetarian option)

All lunches will include a bag of chips, a cookie, and a beverage (canned soft drink or bottled water). There not be lettuce, tomato, or condiments on the wraps, as this can make them soggy. However, mayo and mustard packets will be included in the boxes.

Visit to become a member of the Southeastern Michigan Beekeepers Association

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7:30 PM19:30

Potpourri from March Membership Meeting

Happy New Year! ( for Environmental Interpretive Center newsletter

Garden A to Z | Gardening tips, landscaping ideas, choosing plants, garden solutions for Janet Macunovich & Steve Nikkila’s gardening webinars and articles

Growing Wild: Creating Vital Ecosystems with Native Plants in our Home Gardens - Events - Ann Arbor Farm & Garden ( for Saturday, March 23, workshop at Matthaei Botanical Gardens

National Horticultural Therapy Week ( for American Horticultural Therapy Association

Penn Theatre | Plymouth, Michigan for Thursday, March 21, film showing at Penn Theatre that is sponsored by the Friends of the Rouge

2025 International Master Gardener Conference - Texas Master Gardener Program ( for August 25-25, 2025 conference

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8:30 AM08:30

Measuring for Garden Design, Zoom, Free

Garden A to Z | Gardening tips, landscaping ideas, choosing plants, garden solutions

From Garden A to Z, Janet Macunovich and Steven Nikkila, are pleased to offer free webinars to our gardening friends on Saturday, March 9, 2024 8:30 - 10:00 AM Eastern Time 

Use the link here to join us for Weekend Walkabout 158 Measuring for Garden Design

We'll start In Our Gardens with what's been in our hands and on your minds this week. Then, for those who are serious about designing their own garden or landscape, this crash course in scale drawing is essential.

 Saturday, March 9, 2024, 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. EDT

Here is your link to join us for a webinar with the main feature
Measuring for Garden Design:

Meeting ID: 835 4775 6315
Password: Measure

The notetaking guide available at:

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6:30 PM18:30

Climate Change and Biodiversity Loss are Interconnected, Dearborn, Free

The EIC staff introduces a new series of monthly programs to coax you out of your house in the winter months. Staff members, as well as local speakers, will offer talks on topics of their own interests related to environmental themes including spring ephemeral wildflowers, mushrooms, and our inaugural topic, climate change and its effects on biodiversity. We'll have more to report in our next newsletter, so please stay tuned.

Climate Change and Biodiversity Loss are Interconnected

Speaker: Valerie Osowski, President, Student Sustainability Coalition

Date - Tuesday, February 20th

Time - 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM

Location - Environmental Interpretive Center, Room 119 

Unprecedented increases in the rate of climate change over the last several decades have come with a number of consequences, including sea level rise, extreme weather, and species extinction. This lecture will focus on how climate change is currently affecting species and biodiversity in Michigan, as well as ways that we can help protect our environment. 

Please register for this event.

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9:00 AM09:00

Learning Native Plant Cultures, Grosse Pointe Farms, $90 ($80, $50)

3rd Annual Legacy Seminar – Learning Native Plant Cultures – Grosse Pointe Garden Center (

Seminar Itinerary:

  • 9:00 a.m. Check-in, continental breakfast, and visit vendors.

  • 10:00 a.m. Welcome & Introductions, Annamaria Leon on “Permaculture and Beyond” presentation follow with Q & A session.

  • 12:00 p.m. Buffet lunch (gluten-free and vegetarian available) and vendor shopping.

  • 1:00 p.m. Introduction and Roy Diblik on “Becoming the Cultural Gardener” followed with a Q & A session.

  • 2:30 p.m. Wrap-up and final vendor shopping opportunity.

Saturday, February 10, 2024, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the Fred M. Alger Center Community Room, 32 Lake Shore Road, Grosse Pointe Farms.

Registration: Admission, $80 current Garden Center members, $90 non-members, and $50 college students. To register online using a credit card click here. To pay by check, click here to download the registration form and mail in with your payment. To receive a member discount, click here to join. To check your membership status email

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to Nov 14

Dig In Topics, Zoom, Free

DIG IN! EMGs is back by popular demand featuring NEW topics, presenters and lively banter!  We had such great feedback about the 2022 DIG IN! series which was presented through an informal zoom meet up, we are excited to continue this effort through 2023. 

All LIVE sessions will be held on Tuesday evenings, from 6:00-7:00 pm.  Attend the topics of your choosing or view via the recording links which will be provided to registrants after each webinar. Report in Volunteer Central (VC) 1.0 hour of MSUE EMG education credit for each session you attend or view via the recording.

Best of all…webinars are open to active, certified EMGs FREE of charge.  What’s not to love?? 

You won't want to miss any of them!

In order to receive the monthly zoom links, EMGs and Trainees need to register one-time via the link below!  (Please do not share this registration link or the session recording links with non-registrants and/or non-EMGs).


See the topics and save the following dates below:

January 10: Birds and Berries: Best Native Trees and Shrubs to Attract Birds to your Garden - Presenter: Dr. Jen Owen, MSU Extension Associate Professor of Fisheries and Wildlife
Dr. Owen presents her research on the feeding habits of migratory birds with the Michigan State Bird Observatory and Corey Marsh Ecological Research Center. Learn which fruit-bearing trees and shrubs you can plant in your home garden to attract birds, as well as other ways to make backyards bird-friendly.  

February 7: Spotted Lanternfly and How not to Advance Invasives - Presenter: Dr. David Lowenstein, MSU Extension Consumer Horticulture Educator
Trade, travel, and tourism enhance our quality of life and also make it easier and quicker for accidental introductions of plants and insects. Learn the common pathways non-native species can arrive and what factors determine if they will co-exist or compete in existing communities. While there are too many invasive species to cover in one hour, this presentation will highlight two diseases impacting beeches, spotted lanternfly, and Asian jumping worm.

March 14: A Journey Across the Continent:  Where do Your Annuals Come From? - Presenter: Jaden Gimondo, MSU Extension Greenhouse and Floriculture Educator
Did you know that many of your annual spring flowers begin their lives in South America?  Join greenhouse and floriculture expert Jaden Gimondo as she takes us on a plant-based journey from the southern hemisphere to your own backyard.

April 4: The Do's and Don'ts of Trapping Insects - Presenter: Mike Rienke, MSU Extension Viticulture Specialist
Come along on an insect trapping journey with Mike Reinke, MSUE's newest Educator on the fruit team. Mike has years of Extension experience working with vegetable and fruit growers to make responsible decisions when dealing with pests and diseases, as well as years of industry experience in insect monitoring, pheromone-based insect management, and insect behavior in agricultural systems.

May 9: Invasives that you won't be MISIN (Michigan Invasive Species Network) - Presenter: Barslund Judd, MSU Extension Consumer Horticulture Educator
Join Consumer Horticulture Educator Barslund Judd as he navigates responsible gardening and dealing with invasive plants in the landscape. We will talk about common invasive plants and restricted and prohibited species. We will also discuss how to report invasive plants when found and where to get reliable information on their control and removal. 

June 20: We(eds) are What We Eat! - Presenter: Erin Hill, MSU Extension Plant & Pest Diagnostician, Weed Specialist
The definition of what plant species constitute weeds is not universally accepted. Many of the plants that we commonly call weeds were initially brought here for other purposes. This presentation will explore our love-hate relationship with some common species and focus on the old saying, “if you can’t beat them, eat them!”

August 1: Inviting Native Plants into your Garden Design - Presenter: Rebecca Finneran MSU Extension Senior Horticulture Educator, Curator MSU Extension Grand Ideas Garden
Native plants in the landscape can be stalwart performers that have proven the test of time, but some can be garden thugs or “temperamental over-performers.”  Learning how to plug in neat-natives and nearly-natives into your garden design will strengthen your garden’s ability to attract pollinators and beneficial insects while enjoying them throughout the season.

September 12: Waterfront Garden Design - Presenter: Erick Elgin, MSU Extension Water Quality Educator
Join Erick in a look at some creative way to capture the beauty of a shoreline garden while protecting the health and wellbeing of your body of water. Learn which plants are allowed at the water’s edge and how to create upland beautiful vistas from every view point.  

October 10: Creepy Insects and Cool Pollinators - Presenter: Dr. Nate Walton, MSU Extension Horticulture Educator 
Take a peek into the secret lives of some of our creepiest (and coolest) Michigan insects. Learn about some of the bizarre bugs that you may not have known about and some that you maybe wish you didn’t. Management and/or conservation options will be discussed where applicable. If you’re feeling squeamish about creepy insects, remember, it’s a Zoom meeting, so you can always just turn off the video! 

November 14: Garden Gifts, Tools and Books - Presenter: Lindsey Kerr and MSU Extension Consumer Horticulture Educator and Colleagues
Gear up for the gift-giving season with ideas from the MSU Consumer Horticulture Team. Join Lindsey Kerr and her colleagues to roll out their favorites. Cool books, garden tools, and gadgets—get great ideas for gift giving to gardening friends…and what to add to your wish list!

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1:00 PM13:00

Untitled Event

We are so excited to announce our collaboration with two other amazing organizations. This event is a wonderful opportunity to enjoy beautiful surroundings, participate in a meaningful activity, and appreciate your own glimmer moment.

Please join us in the garden at the Growing Hope Urban Farm to learn about the therapeutic benefits of engaging with flowers and nature in this free event facilitated by members of the Michigan Horticultural Therapy Association and the Growing Kindness Project. The workshop will include a tour of Growing Hope with information about their programs, an opportunity to harvest your own flowers in their garden which will be followed by a bouquet making experience.

Kaite Scott, Growing Kindness Project board member, will share about the mission of the project and invite you to participate in the project by sharing flowers with those in your community.

Cathy Flinton, Horticultural Therapist-Registered (HTR), will share about the many benefits of horticultural activities and horticultural therapy as well as provide information about the non-profit, Michigan Horticultural Therapy Association.

Materials will be provided for the hands-on experience of creating colorful bouquets with fresh cut flowers.

This event is a great opportunity to learn about three non-profit organizations at the local, state and national levels! Seating is limited so sign up today!

Register here:

Learn more about glimmers here:

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to Aug 5

Michigan Master Naturalist Program, UM-Dearborn's EIC, $200

The EIC will be offering the Michigan Master Naturalist program again, one Saturday a month from May through October! Registration will open soon, and in the interim, Michigan State Extension has created wait lists for the various host sites. The EIC is known as the Rouge River Region, so look for that listing when you sign up.

Michigan Master Naturalist Course - Michigan Master Naturalist (

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to Mar 8

NE OH Pollinator Society Webinar Series, Zoom, Free

The award-winning Northeast Ohio Pollinator Society will be holding its fourth annual winter webinar series  

To find out more about the webinar series and to register please visit: 

 Winter Series Schedule: 

 January 11 – 7 PM
“Homegrown Conservation: Stewarding Our Landscapes for Pollinators and Other Wildlife” - presented by Danae Wolfe

 January 25 – 7 PM
“What’s in Your Garden Today? Discovering the Insect Life in Your Garden” - presented by Ann Cicarella

 February 8 – 7PM
“Home-grown Restoration: Creating Pollinator Plots, Fields, and Strips on Private Land” - presented by Abby-Gayle Prieur

February 22 – 7 PM

“Gardening Across the Lifespan” - presented by Laura Akgerman

March 8  - 7 PM

“Ecology of Wild Edibles” - presented by John
Wright, Jr

The Northeast Ohio Pollinator Society is a combined effort of the Ashtabula Soil and Water Conservation District, Ashtabula County Master Gardeners, and the Ashtabula County Beekeepers Association.

The Webinar series is free, but you do need to preregister for the series.

To watch recordings from last year's program, find out more about this year’s webinar series, or to register go to:  

Our Website (Watch last year’s presentations): 

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