DIG IN! EMGs is back by popular demand featuring NEW topics, presenters and lively banter! We had such great feedback about the 2022 DIG IN! series which was presented through an informal zoom meet up, we are excited to continue this effort through 2023.
All LIVE sessions will be held on Tuesday evenings, from 6:00-7:00 pm. Attend the topics of your choosing or view via the recording links which will be provided to registrants after each webinar. Report in Volunteer Central (VC) 1.0 hour of MSUE EMG education credit for each session you attend or view via the recording.
Best of all…webinars are open to active, certified EMGs FREE of charge. What’s not to love??
You won't want to miss any of them!
In order to receive the monthly zoom links, EMGs and Trainees need to register one-time via the link below! (Please do not share this registration link or the session recording links with non-registrants and/or non-EMGs).
See the topics and save the following dates below:
January 10: Birds and Berries: Best Native Trees and Shrubs to Attract Birds to your Garden - Presenter: Dr. Jen Owen, MSU Extension Associate Professor of Fisheries and Wildlife
Dr. Owen presents her research on the feeding habits of migratory birds with the Michigan State Bird Observatory and Corey Marsh Ecological Research Center. Learn which fruit-bearing trees and shrubs you can plant in your home garden to attract birds, as well as other ways to make backyards bird-friendly.
February 7: Spotted Lanternfly and How not to Advance Invasives - Presenter: Dr. David Lowenstein, MSU Extension Consumer Horticulture Educator
Trade, travel, and tourism enhance our quality of life and also make it easier and quicker for accidental introductions of plants and insects. Learn the common pathways non-native species can arrive and what factors determine if they will co-exist or compete in existing communities. While there are too many invasive species to cover in one hour, this presentation will highlight two diseases impacting beeches, spotted lanternfly, and Asian jumping worm.
March 14: A Journey Across the Continent: Where do Your Annuals Come From? - Presenter: Jaden Gimondo, MSU Extension Greenhouse and Floriculture Educator
Did you know that many of your annual spring flowers begin their lives in South America? Join greenhouse and floriculture expert Jaden Gimondo as she takes us on a plant-based journey from the southern hemisphere to your own backyard.
April 4: The Do's and Don'ts of Trapping Insects - Presenter: Mike Rienke, MSU Extension Viticulture Specialist
Come along on an insect trapping journey with Mike Reinke, MSUE's newest Educator on the fruit team. Mike has years of Extension experience working with vegetable and fruit growers to make responsible decisions when dealing with pests and diseases, as well as years of industry experience in insect monitoring, pheromone-based insect management, and insect behavior in agricultural systems.
May 9: Invasives that you won't be MISIN (Michigan Invasive Species Network) - Presenter: Barslund Judd, MSU Extension Consumer Horticulture Educator
Join Consumer Horticulture Educator Barslund Judd as he navigates responsible gardening and dealing with invasive plants in the landscape. We will talk about common invasive plants and restricted and prohibited species. We will also discuss how to report invasive plants when found and where to get reliable information on their control and removal.
June 20: We(eds) are What We Eat! - Presenter: Erin Hill, MSU Extension Plant & Pest Diagnostician, Weed Specialist
The definition of what plant species constitute weeds is not universally accepted. Many of the plants that we commonly call weeds were initially brought here for other purposes. This presentation will explore our love-hate relationship with some common species and focus on the old saying, “if you can’t beat them, eat them!”
August 1: Inviting Native Plants into your Garden Design - Presenter: Rebecca Finneran MSU Extension Senior Horticulture Educator, Curator MSU Extension Grand Ideas Garden
Native plants in the landscape can be stalwart performers that have proven the test of time, but some can be garden thugs or “temperamental over-performers.” Learning how to plug in neat-natives and nearly-natives into your garden design will strengthen your garden’s ability to attract pollinators and beneficial insects while enjoying them throughout the season.
September 12: Waterfront Garden Design - Presenter: Erick Elgin, MSU Extension Water Quality Educator
Join Erick in a look at some creative way to capture the beauty of a shoreline garden while protecting the health and wellbeing of your body of water. Learn which plants are allowed at the water’s edge and how to create upland beautiful vistas from every view point.
October 10: Creepy Insects and Cool Pollinators - Presenter: Dr. Nate Walton, MSU Extension Horticulture Educator
Take a peek into the secret lives of some of our creepiest (and coolest) Michigan insects. Learn about some of the bizarre bugs that you may not have known about and some that you maybe wish you didn’t. Management and/or conservation options will be discussed where applicable. If you’re feeling squeamish about creepy insects, remember, it’s a Zoom meeting, so you can always just turn off the video!
November 14: Garden Gifts, Tools and Books - Presenter: Lindsey Kerr and MSU Extension Consumer Horticulture Educator and Colleagues
Gear up for the gift-giving season with ideas from the MSU Consumer Horticulture Team. Join Lindsey Kerr and her colleagues to roll out their favorites. Cool books, garden tools, and gadgets—get great ideas for gift giving to gardening friends…and what to add to your wish list!