Saturday, April 28, 2018 (8am - 4:15pm)
Oakland Schools Conference Center, 2111 Pontiac Lake Road, Waterford, 48328
Keynote speakers:
- Ken Druse – The New Shade Garden: Lush Oasis in the Age of Climate Change
- Vanessa Gardner Nagel - Garden Evolution: A Designer's 25-Year Landscape Challenge
- Craig LeHoullier - Epic Tomatoes For Your Garden
- Kerry Ann Mendez - The Budget-Wise Gardener: Plant the Best for Less!
This conference is open to the public, you need not be a Master Gardener to attend.
Master Gardeners receive 5 educational credits for the day.
Early Bird Registration Fee: $80
After March 14th fee will be $90.
Registration at the door is not available.
Registration deadline: Wednesday, April 14, 2018
Registration Flyer:
For additional information contact: