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Perennial Accents Plant Sale, Royal Oak

Sale Dates (

Andy's Garden @ Chateau Catalpa - YouTube

Located in a residential area, the Hosta and more plant sale is only open  to the public on the last three weekends in May. Due to covid we understand many people are concerned about gathering in groups. We will be open to shop by appointments, Monday thru Friday beginning May 17th. Call 248.541.5845 and leave a message, Andy will call back.

Prices range from $5 - $75, the price reflects the age of the plant  in the pot and the uniqueness of  the cultivar. Since we are a small part time business we only accept cash or personal checks.

Sat. May 15th 8am - 5pm​ & ​Sun. May 16th 9am - 3pm
Sat. May 22nd 8am - 5pm & Sun. May 23rd 9am - 3pm
Memorial Weekend, Sat. May 29th  8am - 5pm, Sun. May 30th  9am - 3pm​ & Mon. May 31st  9am - 3pm