7:00 p.m. Refreshments and networking
7:30 p.m. Project announcements
8:00 p.m. Drew Lathin with The Beauty of Native Plants: Their Function in Supporting Wildlife in Urban and Suburban Landscapes
Native plants can withstand sub-zero temperatures, summer heat, drought, and insect predation without supplemental water, fertilizers, or sprays. Native plants coevolved relationships with native insects, and together, form the foundation of the food chain that supports butterflies, bees, birds, and predators.
Gardeners can use native plants to create beautiful landscapes that increase habitat, reduce resource inputs, and build healthier outdoor living areas. Learn the principles of sustainable landscaping.
The General Manager of Creating Sustainable Landscapes, LLC, http://www.creatingsustainablelandscapes.com/, Drew Lathin is a sustainable landscapes consultant who creates ecologically restorative urban and suburban landscapes for residential, commercial, and public spaces. Drew utilizes native plants in beautiful landscapes that support wildlife, reduce resource inputs, and create healthy outdoor living spaces. He serves on the board of the Wildflower Association of Michigan, http://www.wildflowersmich.org/index.php?menu=20.
Please note: In an effort to encourage gardeners to sign up for annual MGAWC membership ($15 US a year, October 1-September 30), the board has decided to charge guests $5 with the hope of incentivizing guests to upgrade to become members. UM-D students are exempted from the guest fee.