Learning from the Past Handout from Gail Morrell for May Membership Meeting

Learning from the Past 2021 

Perennial Plant of the Year® 2021 — Calamint (Calamintha nepeta subsp. nepeta)  – Zones 5-7; height 18”, width 18”; full sun; attracts pollinators with its tiny white flowers blooming summer to fall

Oudolf Garden Detroit – Fall 2019 planting postponed due to high water.  Initial planting completed late summer 2020.  Installation of the rain garden, bulb planting in late fall and the wetland planting continues.  Scheduled opening Summer 2021. For updates and status go to https://oudolfgardendetroit.org/

Dollar spot on lawns – (Lanzia and moellerodiscus fungi) — Stress and inadequate nitrogen are the primary cause.  Drought, overwatering, improper mowing height, heavy thatch and poor aeration can all contribute to the disease.

European Crane flies/Leather Jackets (Tipula paludosa) — Feeds on turf and resembles oversized mosquito

Protecting evergreen plants from feeding deer

            Beautiful creature but . . .

            Arborvitae (Thuja ‘Emerald Green’)

            Arborvitae (Thuja ‘Green Giant’) Western red cedar/Japanese arborvitae Somewhat deer resistant

            Yews (Taxus)

            Repellents:  Deer Out; Liquid Fence; Deer Scram; Bobbex; Plantskydd


Winter interest perennial plants!

Italian Arum (Arum italicum) Deer resistant, Z4-9, evergreen, part sun to shade

Hardy Cyclamen (Cyclamen hederifolium) Deer resistant, Z6-9, bulb, partial shade to shade

(Cyclamen coum) Deer resistant, Z6-9, bulb, partial shade to shade, winter to spring

Fairy Wings (Epimedium) Deer resistant, Z6-8, evergreen, part sun to light shade

Snowdrops (Galanthus) Deer resistant, Z4-7, bulb, partial shade

Christmas Rose (Helleborus niger) Deer resistant, Z3-8, evergreen, partial shade

Lenten Rose (Helleborus hybridus) Deer resistant, Z4-9, evergreen, partial shade

Bear’s-Foot Hellebore (Helleborus foetidus) Deer resistant, Z5-8, evergreen, partial shade

Sources: www.brentandbeckysbulbs.com; www.carolynsshadegardens.com; www.plantdelights.com 

 Plant tags and marker

            Forget-me-knot tags   Source: www.kinsmangarden.com  $9.95 for 12

            Garden Marker  Source: www.dpind.com  $5.99 for 1; $12.00 for 4


The Nature of Oaks by Douglas W. Tallamy $27.95

What It’s Like To Be A Bird by David Allen Sibley $35.00