Learning from the Past, 2023 Edition

Perennial Plant of the Year® 2023

Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia ‘American Gold Rush’)

Resistant to Septoria leaf spot.  Slightly lighter golden flowers.

USDA zones 4 to 9; 22-27” tall; 40” wide; Blooms July to October; full to part sun.


Green Darner Dragonfly (Anax junius) and American Kestrel Hawk (Falco sparverius)

Migrating dragonflies.  September 1, 2022


Myrtle (Vince minor) and Soil pH

Most plants do best when soil pH is between 6.2-6.8

0, is extremely acid to 14, extremely alkaline

Site soil found to have a pH of 8.3


Periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus) annual

Planted May 11, 2022, yellow June 20, 2022, two weeks of Epson salts, greening up by July 5.

Periwinkle prefers soil pH less than 6.  Notice marigolds, prefer soil pH between 6-8


Tree planting distance & list of trees suitable for planting near power lines in southeast MI



Barrenwort or Fairy Wings (Epimedium x versicolor ‘Sulphureum’)

Perennial; shade to part shade; USDA zones 5-8; good as a groundcover; blooms between May and June; semi-evergreen/evergreen


Autumn Crocus (Colchicum autumnale)

Perennial bulb; USDA zones 4-8; full sun to part shade; blooms in the fall; spring foliage


Sedge (Carex)

Perennial grass like plant; USDA zones 4-10; sun to shade; wet to dry

Mt. Cuba Center in DE; four-year trial, 65 natives & 5 cultivars


Common Chickweed (Stellaria media)

Winter annual, reproducing by seed and able to produce seed 5-7 weeks after germination.  Four generations possible in a growing season.  Thrives in cool wet conditions and needs light to germinate.  A good layer of mulch will help with control.



2-tine hand weeding fork by Sneeboer  www.GardenToolCompany.com  $54.00

Jekyll Weeder www.LeeValley.com  $37.50

Stainless Steel Soil Knife www.amleo.com  $24.14


Interesting Books

The ingenuity of animal survival Winter World by Bernd Heinrich

Summer World a season of bounty by Bernd Heinrich